Wednesday 9 November 2011

Salaah is of four classifications

Salaah is of Four Classifications

Allah Himself taught Syedina Mohammed S.A.W.S.
how to pray to Him.
Allah commanded the Archangel Jibrayeel
to convey the message and train and perfect
the Holy Prophet S.A.W.S. in the proper performance of Salaah.

The obligatory prayers. They are best performed in Jama’ath (congregation) in the Masjid  or in any other clean environ: at home, school, college or office, in congregation.  The Imam leads the prayer.
If we are unable to join such a congregation,
we must perform the Salaah by ourselves at the earliest opportunity.

The Salaah’s the Holy Prophet S.A.W.S. was observed performing regularly before and after the Far’d Salaah’s.

The Sunah Salaah’s are of two classifications:
Those regularly performed by the Holy Prophet S.A.W.S. are known as Sunnah Muvakadah. To miss them is wrongdoing.

The Sunnah Salaah’s observed as occasionally performed by
the Holy Prophet S.A.W.S. are known as
Sunnah Ghaiy’r Muvakadah

These rank next to the Far’d prayers and must not be  missed.

Optional Salaah’s highly valued for 'sawaab'.